ABC's of Logistics 
Logistic TerminologyA | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z Allocated InventoryInventory that is reserved for a specific order, customer, promotional event or other purpose and is not to be used for standard order fulfillment purposes. Once allocated, this stock is no longer available as usable inventory for new orders. A sophisticated WMS (Warehouse Management System), such as the FulEx system, will offer a variety of ways to indicate a reserved or on hold status for specified inventory.
AllocationInventory is allocated to a specific order.
Anniversary BillingA method of billing where the client is billed for one month of storage once inventory is received. If this product remains in inventory, it will be billed an additional monthly charge each month on the anniversary of its arrival.
Annual InventoryPhysical count of all product in the warehouse done on a yearly basis.
ASNAn Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) is received from the client to inform FulEx of the contents of an inbound shipment prior to its arrival. The ASN is referred to in the FulEx Warehouse Management System as an "In-transit" (i.e. on its way). An ASN can be communicated by telephone, fax, e-mail or EDI. It should include product detail and preferably also includes inbound vehicle information (trailer number, railcar number, etc.). The advance shipping notification provides details on the products being shipped such as roll or carton I.D. numbers.
Assembly AreaLocation in the warehouse where products and loads are collected and combined.
Available InventoryThe amount of shippable product in the warehouse; does not include product designated as damaged, on hold, or pending shipment.
Bar CodeA UPC code that identifies product. It consists of a series of black bars and is scannable. The bar code represents an identification number that is stored in the computer system along with other information about the product.
Back HaulWhen an outbound shipment is delivered, instead of coming back empty, a load is picked up from a destination close to the final stop-off and then delivered either back to the warehouse or a Consignee location near the warehouse. A Back Haul creates revenue as opposed to coming back empty which would be an expense.
BandingA type of plastic or metal strapping that helps support a load and hold it together. Can be used to strap and secure product on a pallet or skid.
Batch pickingA picking method whereby one SKU is picked one time for all applicable orders and then distributed across multiple orders in a staging or packing location.
BayAn area in the warehouse designated by markings on the columns or floor.
Bay StorageUse of the bay for storage.
Beginning InventoryInventory level and count at the beginning of a period.
Bill of LadingThe Bill of Lading (BOL) is an official document that accompanies every shipment. It serves as the contract between the party that owns the freight and the carrier. The each driver prior to vehicle departure. When a driver for an outside carrier signs the Bill of Lading, he/she accepts responsibility for the shipment. Upon arrival at the destination, the consignee or customer signs the Bill of Lading to indicate that the shipment was received and all goods are present as itemized. This customer-signed Bill of Lading then serves as a Proof of Delivery (POD) document.
BinA four-sided structure that is mounted on a pallet. A bin may or may not have a cover. Or, an area in the warehouse used for storage of inventory that is being staged or at rest.
Blind countsBlind counts are used during physical inventories to prevent counter bias. The location and item code are provided to the counter, but the counter must provide the quantity of the item found in the given location without knowledge of the desired quantity according to the WMS (Warehouse Management System) or inventory records.
Bonded WarehouseA bonded warehouse is one that has been approved by the U.S. Treasury Department who, due to observance of revenue laws, has put the warehouse under bond or guarantee. A bonded warehouse can also be a warehouse utilized for the storage of merchandise that is on hold until duty is paid.
Bubble WrapSheet of plastic with air bubbles that is used as a packing material.
Bulk StorageStorage of large quantities of product in shipping containers. May also be the storage of product that is not packed (loose).
CarrierThe carrier transports goods from the client to FulEx and from FulEx to the consignee. The carrier can be FulEx (FulEx owned truck), a transportation company, or the railroad. Responsibilities include carrying the goods safely, in good condition and in a timely manner.
CartonA unit of product, a protective casing around a product.
CommodityProduct identified with specific clients (i.e. paper).
Concealed DamageDamage to product that is not obvious until the product is examined or the condition becomes apparent during storage or transfer.
ConsigneeThe client's customers are referred to as the consignee. Just think of the consignee as the end user or the company where FulEx ships the stock.
Consignment inventoryInventory that is in the possession of the customer, but is still owned by the supplier. Consignment inventory is used as a marketing ConsolidateCombine two or more shipments going in the same direction or to the same destination on a single trailer.
ContainerA container is a box that is used to transport product, and is widely used for international shipments. Marine containers or
ContractA binding agreement between FulEx and a client stating terms of the agreement, storage fees, transportation rates, and accessorial
Contract warehouse.ВA warehouse operation managed by a third party logistics (3PL) provider for a specified period of time. The 3PL manages a client's
Cross-dockProduct or orders that are brought into the warehouse but not put-away. Instead of the stock arriving and being placed into
Cross-TrainingAllowing employees to have experience in multiple tasks, job functions, or across multiple accounts in order to increase productivity
Cube UtilizationSpace utilized versus space available.
Customer Pick-upLoad that is picked up at the warehouse by the customer (usually within the same day the order is placed).
Cycle CountingThe physical counting of portions of inventory on an on-going basis. After a period of time all products have been counted.
Date CodeA label that shows when a product was manufactured.
DCAbbreviation for Distribution Center. A warehouse that manages and distributes inventory per the direction of corporate systems
Dead StockProduct that has been in inventory for an extended period of time without being moved or ordered.
DockA warehouse door with an extending platform where trailers are loaded and unloaded.
DrayageA container or piggyback is moved from a rail yard to another location (which is most likely a FulEx Distribution Center) and then returning that piggyback / container back to the initial pick-up point, is known as a dray. It is important that these containers get unloaded quickly and returned back to the original point so not to incur detention charges.
DunnageRefers to packing materials such as cardboard, empty pallets, air bags, air pillows, packing peanuts, or other materials utilized to protect freight.
EDI (Electronic